FRC Spyder gives you access to up-to-the-minute results for all FIRST Robotics Competition events of the 2019 season. Use it to download and view match schedules, match scores, rankings, team OPR, event statistics, and awards as the event is going on. It's perfect for when you're at an event or keeping track of your team when you can't be there. Register to receive automatic push notifications when scores for chosen teams are posted.
FRC Spyder让您可以获得2019赛季所有FIRST机器人大赛的最新成绩。使用它可以下载和查看比赛日程,比赛分数,排名,团队OPR,赛事统计和奖励。当您不在场时,它非常适合您参加活动或跟踪您的团队。注册以在发布所选团队的分数时接收自动推送通知。